Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Flesh and Blood: The Dangers of Eating Meat

Flesh and Blood: The Dangers of Eating Meat

What are the benefits, how does it benefit and who are the beneficiaries.
Meat produces fat and fat produces heat and partial energy. The mitochondria are responsible for the natural production of heat and energy in the human body. Natural heat and energy (ATP) production is dependent on the amount of oxygen that is sent to the mitochondria by the thyroid which is regulated by Melanin. People who are Melanin deficient, by default require a substitute or some help for this natural process. Apart from the purpose of protein meat is used by people who lack Melanin to produce heat and partial energy. See our blog post (Melanin… what about protein?) to find out why meat is being used as a source for protein. Melanin deficient people have calcified pineal, which means instead of producing ATP energy they produce pyrophosphate. When pyrophosphate binds with calcium deposit it is known as calcification. The mitochondria will now deposit rock salt (biblical pillar of salt) into the organs and bloodstream of the body. Melanin deficient people do not produce as much body heat and energy as Melaninated beings as a result of this deficiency.
So why does it appears as if Melanin deficient beings have better resistance against the colder climates? Melanin deficient people do not have a fully developed external circulatory system. Regardless of how cold it is the inner body remains warm, except for extreme deadly conditions, or course. You can feel very cold but yet if you should test the temperature of your body internally you will notice it is still warm. This tells us that coldness is something that is mostly felt externally. The reaction to coldness is mostly dependent upon the responsiveness of our external system. Melanin is always capturing the conditions of our surrounding and reporting to our brain. Melanin deficient people are not as responsive to their surroundings because they do not have the Melanin to make an accurate analysis of it. Melanin makes us more sensitive and responsive to our environment; the conditions don’t have to be extreme before we feel them. This is the reason why the air condition is turned up so high in your work place, school, on the train, bus, etc; they are set by the standards of the Melanin deficient body type. The heat that is felt by Melanin deficient people is felt from the core of their body, internally. Fats causes the body to overheat and it binds very easily to Melanin. Black people are easily overweight because of this. Melanin is very attracted to fat because a part of its structure contains fat. This is the reason why Black neighborhoods are filled with so many greasy fried food restaurants. They know that fat easily attracts Black people because of its relationship to Melanin. If you should really make an analysis, you will realize that most of the foods (drunk) we like produce a lot of fat.
Melanin is a natural automatic thermostat that adjusts the body’s temperature in accordance to the environment it is in. When it is cold Melanin alerts the body to generate more heat and when it is hot it slows down the production of heat. Without meat Melanin deficient people will not be able to deal with the conditions of the colder climates. Melanin deficient people who are vegetarians do have difficulties with the cold despite the fact that they still get fats from other food sources. They get cold not because they are more responsive but because they do not have enough internal heat to keep their body warm. The internal heat is what the body uses to neutralize the cold conditions we feel from our external environment.
The poisonous meat
Fear triggers an adrenaline rush in humans and in animals. Adrenaline is body’s natural response against an attack or fear. There are different attributes to this act of defense against the predator or oppressor. Before the first deathblow even to the most defenseless animal, there is an intuitive respond to fear. The animal releases adrenaline with hopes to prevent its death. The adrenaline that is released is poisonous and remains in the animal after death. There isn’t anything in the human body to combat this poison, even though we try to cook it away. This is a part of the reason we lose our teeth, age faster, go blind, etc. at such young age. We have been poisoning ourselves with meat along with other bad practices.
Meat and digestive system
Flesh is not conducive to the digestive track of any human, regardless of color, race, sex or creed. Black people benefits the least from the eating of meat while receiving the most disadvantages and destruction from it. Meat have so much strain on the digestive system that the body as to try to shut itself down in order to process it. It has to pull energy from other areas of the body to help out the digestive system. At this point after enjoying your “delicious” chicken, beef, swine, etc. meal you get drowsy and ready for a nap. Not long after you feel the heat from the meat you previously ate as the body begins to overheat. Meat eaters always have to keep their water, juices and drinks in the refrigerator to help with the cooling of their body. Meat also pulls moisture from the body which causes dehydration. Not only is meat not conducive to our biology but even worst the common animals that are eaten are not natural, they are manmade (hybrids). Animals such as cows, swine (pigs), and white chicken are disease filled grafted iniquities.
The flesh and blood rituals
Genesis 9:4 say that the animal should be drained of its blood before eating. That is not possible, so we now know that it wasn’t the word of the Creator. Anyone that eats flesh knows that they also eat the blood of the animal. The blood is in the lymphatic system of the animal and cannot be removed. If you should watch someone cook their meat you will literally see the blood running out of the flesh and bones of the dead animal. Even for those chicken strips that seems like there isn’t any blood, there is just not enough to have a constant flow. It has become a custom for people to write their opinions in these once holy books and try to pass them off as the words of the Creator. You find examples of this in other religions such a judaism and that of the mormons who wrote that Black people are cursed and said that it is the words of the Creator. Everything needs validation and we should not just accept what we read because it satisfies our desire. Just the same as how people use the credibility of the Olmec’s (Mayans) fulfilled prophecies to create confusion they did the same with these once holy books. These books have fulfilled prophecies but it doesn’t make every word within the book truthful.
Meat and its destruction of the Black woman
Meat cause Black women to produce high levels of testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone that makes a man masculine, physically strong and forceful. Though testosterone and estrogen are in both man and woman one may or may not be fully active. Estrogen, the feminine hormone is present but dormant in men and testosterone is dormant in women. When a Black woman eats meat it causes her body to create an abundance of testosterone. At this point she begins to take on masculine features. Testosterone is what makes women grow hair on her faces, which is very common among Black women today. A lot of women have become aggressive because of the eating of flesh. They seem more arrogant, very quick with vexation, gossip, malice and quarrel in their daily relationships. They are less peaceful and more unwilling to talk over any minor issue to find more peaceful solutions. Men are also infected with the arrogant state of mind that is attributed to the eating of flesh. Meat is responsible for the chemical imbalance that causes some women to be moody during their menstrual cycle. After being raised on eating meat it begins to show its effect in early woman hood and beyond. The eating of meat also affects the graceful traditional shape of the Black woman. It has become very common for Black woman to have squarer body type (like men) as oppose to being curvy. This is due to testosterone and also the weight that is placed on the pelvic from undigested food. The artificial diet not only create bulges around the waist but is also reshapes the body over a period of time. Meat destroys the elasticity of the ovaries which is the reason why people who eat meat generally have much longer labor and more pain in the delivery process.


Nabar Exist

Why join A PRO ? (ASCAP, BMI, SESAC)

Why Join ASCAP? Joining ASCAP is a critical step in your career in music. By joining ASCAP you can begin to register your songs, collect performance royalties and take advantage of many exclusive career benefits. As the only member-owned performing rights organization in the U.S., ASCAP is free from conflicting interests. Everything that ASCAP does, from collecting and distributing royalties to protecting and strengthening copyright to developing and supporting your career, is done to serve you throughout your life in music.
There is a one time, nominal processing fee of $50to apply for ASCAP membership, but there are no annual dues. You can join as a writer or a publisher or both - the processing fee is $35 for each application. This fee is non-refundable. Click one of the buttons below to start filling out theonline application. We look forward to welcoming you to the ASCAP family.
Before you begin, please have the following information in hand:
• Your Social Security Number
• Information about a work you wrote or co-wrote (e.g. title, name of the performer or artist, date it was released or performed)
ASCAP isn't the only PRO (Performing Rights Organization) SESAC and BMI are also PROs in American and abroad as well as others and they all basically do the same things with slight differences, you need to check each ones specifics to see if it fits you or if they can tailor something to your liking before you join also SESAC is free to join and you must meet with the Pres. to see if he accepts YOU to join their family so that says something right there. Holla Bak @cha dude. Peace 

Nabar Exist

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Around Money Inc. is also allaroundmoney.com, I'm putting the site together as we speak. It's gonna have interviews with the peoples favorite artist's, video's and music from them as well as other known artist. As for now the "All Around Money" Tats' is down we will be bringing that back at a later date and time. This is your man Nabar Exist, letting you know the movement won't stop only grow. The site will have a place for you to comment whether the comments are good, bad, or indifferent, it's all a freedom of your speech and expression, you will also be able to upload your pictures, your bio's, your music/video's and download any music that is available for downloading, also you will be able to message board people and get answers back on the instant messaging feature. You'll see it'll be alot of fun just you wait and see.  Peace for now fam. Holla at ya man.  Nabar Exist

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Chekout tha new single produced 4 Jim Jones ft. Rell cald "Let me Fly" produced by MarvinOBeats on E1/Koch